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Dr. Brown's Natural Flow MilkSPA Breastmilk and Bottle Warmer with Even and Consistent Warming
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About this item
- BREAST MILK AND BOTTLE WARMER. Gentle water bath safely and quickly warms breast milk to body temperature.
- FAST WARMING. Soothe fussy baby with fast, even, and consistent bottle warming. From cold to body temperature in as little as 2 minutes.
- SAFE FOR BREAST MILK STORAGE BAGS. The MilkSPA is ideal for warming breast milk storage bags as well as any size Dr. Brown’s plastic or glass baby bottle.
- HELP PRESERVE NUTRIENTS IN BREAST MILK. Even and consistent warming follows CDC and USDA guidelines to best preserve nutrients in breast milk and formula.
- SET IT AND FORGET IT. Convenient auto shut-off and timer features help prevent overheating.
- BABY ESSENTIAL. Baby bottle warmer is portable and can be taken with you on-the-go, making it a must-have for busy parents.
- CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGS. Pre-programmed settings let you customize the warming cycle to start from frozen, refrigerated, or room temperature.
- REGISTRY ESSENTIAL. Gift a new mom with a convenient and time-saving way to warm breast milk.